Security and Strategy Development

One of the core functions of any nation-state is to provide its own security as well as the security and safety of its citizens

Despite the inordinate resources allocated to the security sector, many states in Africa are becoming increasingly incapable of ensuring the security of all their citizens, and in some instances states themselves have become sources of insecurity.

This growing insecurity, the emergence of new security threats, and a shift towards understanding security as security for all as opposed to regime or state security, all demonstrate a need for African governments to re-evaluate how to deliver security and safety to their citizens.

A well-designed and inclusive process for formulating national security strategy can facilitate the creation of a sound strategy. Such a process also enables decision-makers to make effective plans to address national security threats and to make long-term improvements in delivering security to the state and its citizens. It also ensures national ownership, inclusivity, and consensus, and it lays the groundwork for the internal and external partnerships that facilitate the implementation of national security strategy.