Gender, Health and Inclusion

SOAI's goal is to create opportunities for women and young people in Nigeria by investing in inclusive economic growth, while considering how women and young people can share the benefits of growth.

Gender and Women Empowerment Programs

Gender and Women Empowerment Programs in Enugu, FCT, and Ebonyi State Communities

Our commitment to eliminating Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGMC) and Forced Early/Child Marriage (FEM) in communities across Nigeria is unwavering. We focus on empowering women and girls by engaging with local leaders, traditional rulers, and community members to advocate against these harmful practices.

Dialogue Sessions with Local Leaders

Dialogue Sessions

In Enugu and FCT communities, we engage local leaders, gatekeepers, traditional rulers, and religious leaders in dialogue sessions to advocate against FGMC and FEM. These sessions aim to build awareness and gather support for the abolition of these practices.

Educational Workshops and School Outreach Programs

Educational Workshops

We conduct educational workshops and outreach programs in schools across Ebonyi State to inform students about the health risks and human rights violations associated with FGMC and FEM. Our goal is to empower the younger generation to become advocates for change.

Community Watch Groups and Support Networks

Community Watch Groups

Establishing community watch groups and support networks in FCT communities ensures that cases of FGMC and FEM are monitored and reported. These groups work closely with local health centers and authorities to protect vulnerable girls and women.

Market Programs for Awareness

Market Programs

In collaboration with market women associations in Enugu, we design and implement market-based programs to educate women about FGMC and FEM, promoting gender equality and empowering them to advocate for change.

Training for Community Health Workers (CHWs)

Training for CHWs

In Ebonyi State, we convene in-person training sessions for CHWs and volunteers to strengthen the quality and safety of medical care and counseling provided to girls and women affected by FGMC and FEM. We also establish support centers and helplines for victims.

Our Key Programs

  • CARE-Pad for Female National Youth Service Corp Members: Empowering female National Youth Service Corp members with essential menstrual hygiene products and health education.
  • Ending Violence Against Women and Girls in Enugu-Ezike: A community-driven initiative to combat gender-based violence and provide support to victims in Enugu-Ezike.
  • Saving Women On Transit (SWOT) in FCT: A project aimed at protecting women and girls in transit, ensuring their safety, and preventing violence in FCT.
  • Voices of Change Initiative: Working to eliminate FGM and early marriages in Kuje FCT and five primary schools in FCT, empowering girls to speak out against these harmful practices.