#VoteBeat Pre-Election Statement by Speak Out Africa Initiative (SOAI) on the South Africa National and Provincial Elections, Slated for May 29, 2024

... Delivered in Johannesburg, South Africa. Dated 28th May, 2024.
Our Aim As An Independent Actors of Good Governance:
To measure the overall #VoteBeat of South African electorates with regards to current electoral climate, urge active citizen participation in the upcoming South Africa National and Provincial Elections on May 29, 2024, and to highlight the importance of a free, fair, and transparent electoral process, while providing recommendations for ensuring election integrity and post-election accountability.
You can download this public statement, to continue reading...

2024 South Africa National and Provincial Election Radar Room
Date: May 29th, - May 31st 2024, 9:00 AM (Daily) SAST
Meeting ID: 975 427 4089
Passcode: speakout