Education is a fundamental human right that should be available to all citizens
Education Reforms

Education is a fundamental human right that should be available to all citizens
2023 Election: Our Election Radar Project Overview: The Election Radar Project focuses on monitoring and ensuring the integrity of the 2023 elections. Speak Out Africa Initiative leverages technology and grassroots engagement to track election-related activities and promote a free and fair electoral process.Project Components:Deployment of election monitoring tools.Voter education and awareness campaigns.Collaboration with election stakeholders. © 2024 All Rights Reserved. …
Our Role in 2022 Electoral Act Passage Overview: Speak Out Africa Initiative played a pivotal role in advocating for the passage of the 2022 Electoral Act. Through strategic partnerships and advocacy efforts, we aimed to strengthen the electoral process for increased transparency and fairness.Key Contributions:Engaged in advocacy campaigns for electoral reforms.Collaborated with policymakers to influence positive changes.Provided resources for civic …
One of the core functions of any nation-state is to provide its own security as well as the security and safety of its citizens
We’re engaging to improve the society’s productive capacity, improving the people’s welfare and enhancing their freedoms.
All the rights secured to the citizens under the Constitution are worth nothing, and a mere bubble, except guaranteed to them by an independent and virtuous Judiciary.”-according to Andrew Jackson; the 7th US President
We believe that the growth of the civic tech ecosystem requires the strength and capacity of leading non-profits.