Call for Appliation: Skool N Skill 4 Naija Grant Fund: Integrating Digital Skills And Drug Abuse Prevention Into Nigerian Secondary School Curriculum

Deadline: 31-May-24

Applications are now open for Skool N Skill 4 Naija grant call for Intergrating Digital Skills, as well as Drug abuse prevention into the Nigeria Secondary School Curriculum.

Established in 2019 as a Not-for-profit organization, The Speak Out Africa Initiative (SOAI) promotes transparency, accountability, and political participation in its efforts to strengthen democracy, enhance good governance, and improve public service delivery.

The aim of the grant and the project overall is to strengthen Nigerian CSOs and activists as independent actors of good governance and policy development for inclusive and equitable quality education.

The expected outcome of the project is to support CSO advocacy to expand school curriculum and integration of Digital skills education and drug abuse prevention in 12 states of Nigeria spread across the six geo-political zones, name; Osun, Ondo (SOUTH WEST), Abia, Enugu (SOUTH EAST), Plateau, Benue (NORTH CENTRAL), Kano, Zamfara (NORTH WEST), Delta, Edo (SOUTH SOUTH), Bauchi, and Taraba States (NORTH EAST)

Eligibility Criteria
  • Who can apply?
    • CSOs/Activists, particularly those that operate within the selected states within each of the six geo-political zones are encouraged to apply.
  • What can the funds be used for?
    • The funds can be used to support advocacy to expand school curriculum and integration of Digital skills education and drug abuse prevention in 12 states of Nigeria targeting the six geo-political zones.
    • All materials developed under the grants will be “open source” and publicly available for the benefit of the communities.
    • Selected grantees will receive technical support and funding during the implementation process.
To apply, click HERE.